ID-51a Plus 2
ID-51A Plus2 Terminal Mode

Using a Icom ID-51a Plus 2 in terminal mode with the new beta version of Pi-Star 4.0 RC3 and a Raspberry Pi for D-Star.

With version 4.0 of Pi-Star (as of Jan 25, 2019 in beta RC3) it is possible to use pi-star and an Icom ID-51a Plus 2 in DV terminal mode as a D-Star Repeater with Pi-Star as the controller. (This also will work with an Icom 4100). You will need the following:

ID-51A Terminal Mode
Portable ID51A D-Star Repeater Terminal

The Icom OPC-2350LU cable kit is used to hook the ID-51a to the Raspberry Pi via the USB port. (My ID-51A Plus 2 came with the cable kit) With ver 4.0 (currently in beta RC3 as of Jan 25, 2019) of Pi-Star you can configure Pi-Star in D-Star repeater mode. It is important to select Controller Software Under the Control Software section as DStarRepeater – then reboot, then under General Configuration select the Radio/Modem Type as Icom Radio in Terminal Mode (DStarRepeater Only) and finish configuring pi-star, my config looks like:

In order for pi-star to “see” the Icom ID-51 in terminal mode via USB you will need to put it in DV mode; from the main menu 4/4 select DV Gateway then select Terminal Mode you should see your call sign with the word Terminal below:

At this point, via a web browser into the pi-star dashboard (http://pi-star.local. providing you have set up pi-star on Raspberry Pi) you can link and unlink D-Star reflectors and repeaters – using the ID-51A as your mic and speaker.

pi-star dashboard

Pi-Star works as it would with a ZUMSpot or similar hardware – only using the ID-51A as the “hardware” here is the Admin screen:

pi-star admin screen

Details on the required USB cable kit from Icom:

Terminal mode
Close Up Of OPC-2350LU Cable from Icom

Handy link to some additional details on DV Gateway function from Icom in this PDF.